Shared task @ AAAI 2022

First Workshop on ​Multimodal Fact-Checking and Hate Speech Detection

February, 2022


Please register here to access the dataset.
We will release a dataset - FACTIFY - on multi-modal fact verification. It contains images, textual claim, reference textual document/image. The task is to find out support, no-evidence, and refute between given claims.

Some Samples from Data

dataset link: please register here to access the dataset.
evaluation metric: The official evaluation metric for the shared task is weighted-average F1 score.
submission instructions: to be updated

system description paper :All teams/participants will be invited to submit a paper describing their system. Accepted papers will be published in formal proceedings.
paper submission instruction to be updated


  • 21 September 2021: Release of the training set
  • 8 November 2021: Release of the test set
  • 20 November 2021: Deadline for submitting the final results
  • 21 November 2021: Announcement of the results
  • 28 November 2021: System paper submission deadline (All teams are invited to submit a paper)
  • 10 December 2021: Notification of system papers
  • 20 December 2021: Camera ready submission


will be releaded after the task.