Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
We expect 20+ submissions for the workshop by encouraging four types of submissions:
Additionally, invited speakers may submit an invited paper that the organization will review and comment on. All forms of papers will be reviewed by an experienced multidisciplinary program committee for their contributions in terms of the novelty of the work and relatedness to the workshop program. The majority of the above program committee members have already been contacted and have confirmed their participation in the program committee, ensuring to have multiple representatives from disciplines such as information science, cognitive science, cybersecurity, healthcare, and other societal or high-stake decision-making applications.
Papers should be submitted following the KDD 2023 Conference Template and will be reviewed following a double-blind reviewing policy. Papers selected for presentation at the workshop will be included in the workshop's proceedings as open access publications with CEUR and will be considered archival. For reference, here is the LINK to previous proceedings.