Accepted Papers

Papers presented as either poster, demos, position, and regular research can be downloaded from here.

Textual Evidence for the Perfunctoriness of Independent Medical Reviews

Authors: Adrian Brasoveanu, Megan Moodie, and Rakshit Agrawal


Depressive, Drug Abusive, or Informative: Knowledge-aware Study of News Exposure during COVID-19 Outbreak

Authors: Amanuel Alambo, Manas Gaur, and Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan


Knowledge Intensive Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Devendra Dhami, Mayukh Das, and Sriraam Natarajan


Student Best Paper Award

Public Health Implications of a delay differential equation model for COVID 19

Authors: Mohit Manoj Sharma and B Shayak


A New Delay Differential Equation Model for COVID-19

Authors: B Shayak, Mohit Manoj Sharma, and Manas Gaur


Cost Aware Feature Elicitation

Authors: Srijita Das, Rishabh Iyer, and Sriraam Natarajan


Attention Realignment and Pseudo-Labelling for Interpretable Cross-Lingual Classification of Crisis Tweets

Authors: Jitin Krishnan, Hemant Purohit, Huzefa Rangwala
