Call For Papers


  • Data Management: includes resource management, resource discovery across heterogeneous and inconsistent data resources.
  • Data Usage: includes methods and systems for visualization, representations, reasoning, and interaction.
  • Evaluation: will bring together researchers involved at the intersection of databases, semantic web, information systems, and AI to create new approaches and tools to benefit a broad range of policymakers (e.g. mental health professions, education practitioners, emergency responders, and economists).

We expect to receive submissions and lead discussions on the topics of novel analytic methods, tools, and datasets associated with a broader objective of knowledge-infused learning, including but not limited to the following research directions

  • Method
    • Computational Behavior Analysis and Learning
    • Semantic Deep Learning
    • Knowledge-based Causal Inference
    • Multimodal Knowledge Graphs Representations and Learning
    • Ontology-based query answering and reasoning
    • Trust-based Recommendation
    • Dynamic Knowledge Graphs
    • Explainable and Interpretable Data Science
    • Semantic Reinforcement and Transfer learning
    • Symbolic Knowledge Extraction and Reasoning over Deep Learning
    • Biologically and Cognitively inspired neural models
    • Conversation Mining and Understanding
    • Knowledge Graph Neural Networks
  • Systems
    • Intelligent Virtual Assistants
    • Human-centered Computing
    • Data as a Service
    • AI as Service
    • Wisdom of Crowd

We invite the submission of regular research papers (9 pages), short papers (6 pages), position papers (4-6 pages), demo papers (4 pages), and industry papers (4-9 pages). Additionally, invited speakers may submit an invited paper that the organization will review and comment on.

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this workshop. All submissions should be double-blind and use the standard double-column ACM Proceedings Style for formatting. A high-resolution PDF of the paper should be uploaded to the EasyChair submission site before the paper submission deadline.

Authors whose papers are accepted to the workshop will have the opportunity to participate in a poster session, and some sets may also be chosen for oral presentation.

Important Dates
  • Paper Submission: June 15, 2020 (23:59, anywhere on earth). EasyChair paper submission system is here
  • Author Notification: July 15, 2020
  • Camera-ready Papers Due: July 26, 2020
  • Workshop Day: August 24, 2020