Research Areas :
Artificial Intelligence, Big and Smart Data, Knowledge
Graphs Knowledge-infused Learning, Semantic Cognitive
Perceptual Computing.
Artificial Intelligence, Services,
Smarter Cities ( Water, Health, Traffic ).
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning , Reinforcement
Learning, Search, Bioinformatics.
Artificial Intelligence,
Reinforcement Learning.
Multi-Agent System.
Neuronscience, ASD, Brain Mapping, Signal Processing
Dynamical Systems and Networks, Data Science
and Learning Theory,and Computational Neuroscience
NLP, Social Computing, Multimodality
Multiagent systems, Service-oriented Computing,
Ontologies Computer vision, Distributed .
Artifical Intelligence, Econometrics.
Ethics, Public Relations, Issues Management, Marketing
Remote Sensing, Satellite Oceanography, Physical Oceanography,
Ocean Dynamics, Air-Sea Interaction, Global Water Cycle,
and Climate Change.
Neuroscience related to language and meaning.
Intelligent Audio/Sound Processings
Data-Driven Material Discovery
Disease Diagnosis and Prediction, Medical Image Analysis
Machine Learning Systems, Autonomic Computing,
Computer Systems, Adversarial Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence.
Neuropsychiatry and behavioral sciences, psychiatry,
pharmacotherapy, and mental health awareness.
Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support for Healthcare,
Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics,
Data Mining and Machine Learning,.
Human Computer Interaction & UX design, Health IT,
Behavioral Information Security, Adversarial Machine,
Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
Computer Vision, NLP, Speech,
Multimodal AI, and Core Multi-Agent
Computer Science, Health Care and Psychology,
Internet of things (IoTs), Semantic Web,
Semantic Cognitive Perceptual Computing.
Knowledge Graphs, Ontologies, Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing, Healthcare Informatics.
Multi-modal learning, Sequential modeling,
Food computation models, Computer Vision,
Personalized digital healthcare.
Conversational AI, Knowledge Graph, Machine Learning,
Data Mining.
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graphs, Deep Learning,
Natural Language Processing, Autonomous Driving.
Language Models, NLP, Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
Explainable AI, Knowledge Graph, Natural Language
Processing, Reinforcement Learning.
Symbolic AI, Conversational Agents, Internet of Things ( IoT ).
Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision.
Neuro-symbolic AI, Knowledge-infused Learning
Explainable AI, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning,
Reinforcement learning.
Knowledge-infused Learning.
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
Neuroscience, Neurological Signal
and Image Analysis.
Time Series, Knowledge-infused Learning
Knowledge-infused Learning, Natural Language Processing,
Autoimmunity, Neuroscience.
Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing,
Cross-Modal Inference Deep Learning.
Reinforcement Learning, Deep RL,
Machine Learning.
Time Series, Neuro-symbolic methods,
and Automated Planning
Neuroscience, neurological signal
and image analysis.
Neuroscience, and Quantum Computing.
Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision,
Multimodal Learning
Natural Language Processing, AI.
Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning,
Deep Learning, Machine Learning,
Neuroscience, and Healthcare.
Human-Computer Interaction,
Conversational Agents,
Machine Learning in Cloud Computing.
Front End Development,
Artifical Intelligence
Applications of AI and ML in Medical Diagnoses.
Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence,
Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Trusted AI
Trusted AI, Neuro-symbolic methods,
Natural Language Processing
Knowledge Graphs,knowledge-infused learning,
Machine Learning, Mental Health, Cyber Social Harms
Disaster Response,Natural Language Understanding.